Forthcoming Events & Services

We invite you to join us for our Sunday services each week as we assemble together to praise our blessed Saviour.

We come together to rejoice that Jessica Field will be baptised on the confession of her faith, God willing on Saturday 22nd February at 3.30pm.

Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul. Psalm 66 v 16

The Worship Service

The Worship Service

Services commence with prayer, usually led by the minister. Occasionally one of our deacons will pray. The service continues with hymn singing, reading the Bible and prayer.

The focal point of the worship is the sermon, where the minister expounds from a portion of God’s word and its application to both our spiritual and our daily lives. The service lasts just over an hour and a quarter. Often, after the Sunday evening service we have a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy fellowship after the day’s worship.

What we Practise

What We Practise
  • The baptism of believers by total immersion in water after they have professed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Membership of the church is the privilege of those who have been thus baptised.
  • The Lord’s Supper is observed each month on the first Sunday evening. It is restricted to members at this chapel or one in full accord with our beliefs.

The Word of God

The Word of God

We use the King James Authorised version of the Holy Scriptures, believing this to be the most reliable translation available. We believe that this is the inspired word of God, and that through the influence of the Holy Spirit, God applies the scriptures to our hearts, teaching us to know and love our saviour the Lord, Jesus Christ.

There is only one true and living God consisting of Three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

A Church or a Chapel?

A Church or a Chapel?

The church refers to the group of people who worship here and are in membership, having been baptised here or elsewhere where their beliefs are in harmony with ours.

The chapel is the building in which we worship.

What we Believe

What we Believe

The Trust Deed of 28th August 1804 states the doctrinal basis of worship at Coppice:

There are three equal Persons in the Godhead; eternal and personal Election; Original Sin; Particular Redemption by the righteousness of Christ imputed; Efficacious Grace in Regeneration; the final Perseverance of the Saints; the Resurrection of the Dead; the general Judgment at the last day; the life everlasting to the Saints; and the punishment of the wicked for ever; as also the Ordinance of Believer’s Baptism by immersion; the Lord’s Supper; and the public preaching of the Word of God in the mother tongue agreeable to the aforementioned doctrines and ordinances.

Put more simply, our beliefs can be summarised as:


God has spoken through his word the Bible.


The Bible is true and reliable and the only authority for all that we believe and teach.


Gods still speaks to his people today through the power of the holy spirit, his word the bible and the ministry.


The gospel is good news for sinful people in a world which has been ruined by sin.


Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone. He is the eternal Son of God who came into the world to save sinners. He lived a perfect, sinless life, suffered and died on the cross, rose again from the dead and ascended up into heaven.


All who are blessed by God with the gift of true repentance for their sins and faith in Jesus Christ have eternal life.


The Lord Jesus will come again, with power and great glory, to judge the world.