The Coppice Chapel has stood for over 200 years as a witness to God’s faithfulness.
We are a Bible believing Church in the West Midlands between Coseley and Sedgley.
Forthcoming Events & Services
We invite you to join us for our Sunday services each week as we assemble together to praise our blessed Saviour.
Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul. Psalm 66 v 16
A Warm Welcome
Welcome to Coppice Baptist Chapel.
We preach Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation.
Our Services usually last around an hour and a quarter.
All are welcome to join us as we worship the Lord God.
For more details, choose an option from the menu above.
Or, better still, come to one of our services.
Who We Are
The Coppice Chapel has stood for over 200 years as a witness to God’s faithfulness. In 1796 a group of believers began meeting for worship in a room in Bond Street…
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School
All children between the age of 4 and 16 are welcome.
Evening Service
Monday Evenings
live online via Zoom
Watch LIVE! Or, view some of our older sermons.
Previous services preached via our Facebook page can still be accessed – coppice baptist chapel
You do not need your own Facebook page – click the small x when it asks you to log in.
Services live in the Chapel on Sundays and our Monday evening meetings are live streamed via Zoom.
Meeting Number: 912 328 8476
Password: coppice
Sunday School
We hold our Sunday school every Sunday morning from 9.45 to 10.30.
All children between four and 16 are welcome. Parents are welcome to join us for the collective worship and message before the children separate into their classes. The children are taught Bible stories, memory verses and have quizzes.
Lessons are taught in topics alternating between Old Testament and New Testament.
After six weeks attendance children receive their own free Bible.
We hold our annual Sunday School Anniversary in May.
For more information, please contact Lydia on 07973 505685.
Jesus said 'Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the Kingdom of God.'
Mark 10 v 14
For more information, please contact Lydia on 07973 505685.